this movie doesn’t end the way we want

3-book deal + A Game in Yellow cover reveal

A giant monster battle of news landed last week, so there’s a bit of ground to cover here, but I’ll keep it short and snappy!

Titan Books announced a three-book deal with me, with titles releasing over the next three years. First up will be Teenage Girls Can Be Demons, a collection of coming-of-rage horror including new stories, among them two new novelettes, and some returning favorites about our teenage years and the monsters within them. That releases on September 16, 2025. In 2026, a new novel releases, This Movie Doesn’t End the Way We Want, followed by a TBA novel in 2027.

Also coming in 2025, my erotic cosmic horror novel A Game in Yellow from Simon and Schuster, and now it has a wonderful cover by Caroline Teagle! It’s up for pre-order at the usual places, and releases August 12 next year!