
Ladies of the Fright 54: Hailey Piper on the Dangers of Nostalgia

I had the great pleasure of appearing on This Is Horror Award-winning podcast Ladies of the Fright for their 54th episode. We talked early days of writing, Rewind or Die, storytelling, nostalgia, and much more!

We also spoil the hell out of The Possession of Natalie Glasgow from 46:00 to 58:00. This is territory I haven’t crossed anywhere else, so if you’ve read it, don’t hesitate.

(I had some technical difficulties, so I apologize that my voice sounds muffled, distant, and overall not great, but Lisa and McKenzie made it all work!)

Ink Heist Podcast 2.07 – Journey to the Weird Places with Hailey Piper

Curious about Benny Rose, the Cannibal King?  My writing process?  The ghosts of my hometown?  Hints of what’s to come in The Verses of Aeg?

I talk these topics and many more with Shane, Laurel, and Rich on the Ink Heist Podcast Episode 2.07 – Journey to the Weird Places with Hailey Piper.  You can listen their web site, or click the link on their page that’ll take you to Spotify.