“The Majestic Art of Flesh” and “A Year in the Angel-Handed House”

Unfortunately I’m a little behind on updating short stories here! Let’s make up for that with TWO Neon Hemlock anthologies I have stories in:

The Crawling Moon published on July 30, a book filled with queer gothic depravity by Suzan Palumbo, Donyae Coles, Caitlin Starling, myself, and many more! My tale “A Year in the Angel-Handed House” follows a couple thrown into the shadowy uncertainties of hauntings, legacies, genders, and strange futures.

And then even more recently, Embodied Exegesis released August 27, an anthology of transfem cyberpunk with stories by Maya Deane, Ryka Aoki, Jess Levine, and more!

I never thought I would return to the world of my first novel Queen of Teeth, but “The Majestic Art of Flesh” returns three years after the book and across the river from Newark, where a new business has taken root, a business of flesh. You don’t have to have read the book to read the story, though book fans will have a different perspective on the world. Maybe I’ll come back again someday! We’ll see.