
March update

Hi all! I might be setting myself up for inaccuracy with “March update” as if there will only be one, but it’s good enough to start the month. Two bits of news for right now, good and bad.

The good news: my upcoming psychosexual cosmic horror novel A Game in Yellow appeared in Men’s Health magazine’s “The 25 Most Anticipated and Best Horror Books of 2025.” It’s there with so much amazing horror both coming out this year and already released for our reading pleasure.

So now the bad news: Off Limits Press will be closing their doors within the next couple months, meaning The Worm and His Kings trilogy and Your Mind is a Terrible Thing will all be going out of print. Their audiobooks will remain available from the usual places, and I’m hopeful the paperback and ebook versions will find new homes soon, but it’s still unfortunate to see them go alongside the many wonderful books by other authors Off Limits Press has helped usher into print over the years. It was a good home for them and will be missed.

2025 Begins

Happy New Year! A couple of quick updates:

First, glancing back, All the Hearts You Eat made Paste Magazine’s “The Best Horror Books of 2024,” one of fifteen titles full of nightmares. Honored that my vampires made the cut, calling the novel “a triumph in a career increasingly full of them.”

Supernatural crime novella Cranberry Cove also got a mention in The Lineup’s “2024 Horror Book Highlights.”

Now to this year! I have two books coming, both in quarter 3:

A Game in Yellow releases from Saga on August 12, 2025, a queer erotic cosmic horror novel tangling with the infamous King in Yellow.

Teenage Girls Can Be Demons releases from Titan on September 16, 2025, a collection of coming-of-rage stories about our most difficult years and the horrors that find us. Among the new stories are two new novelettes and the inclusion of a very special cannibal.

I’ll have other short fiction releasing through the year, including “Prey Instinct,” coming in the first anthology to be based off a Stephen King novel, The End of the World As We Know It: New Tales of Stephen King’s The Stand. The TOC is frankly jaw-dropping, and I’m overjoyed to have a story amid the work of these much-celebrated authors.

Lastly, A Game in Yellow made Paste Magazine’s “The Most Anticipated Horror Books of 2025.” So many fantastic-looking books lie in wait. It’s going to be another tremendous year for horror!

Release day: The Ghostlands of Natalie Glasgow

I said it would be soon, and I meant it: The Ghostlands of Natalie Glasgow is out in paperback today! Surprise!

Ghostlands returns my 2018 debut novella The Possession of Natalie Glasgow to print alongside 6 all-new connected stories, including a new novelette, following the novella’s characters and making Ghostlands an unusual story collection. Explore the Glasgow family across years and supernatural activity along with Margaret Willow, who seeks both to right the world and to find redemption for her own past.

You can find the paperback on Amazon and Barnes & Noble now, and hopefully elsewhere soon. An ebook will also be coming in the near future. Full description here:

From the imagination of Stoker-award winner, Hailey Piper, The Ghostlands of Natalie Glasgow is a new collection of seven interconnected stories surrounding the events of The Possession of Natalie Glasgow.

There’s no getting used to the strange. That’s the philosophy of Margaret Willow, and as a supposed expert in the supernatural, or allegedly a modern witch, she’s seen a strange thing or two, and even lived to tell about it.

But she’s never met an eleven-year-old as dangerous as Natalie Glasgow.

Ever since the death of Natalie’s father, her family has found themselves caught in a series of bizarre experiences of their own. Unexplainable, irrational, and yet all too real. Has a demon latched onto Natalie’s soul? Or are her family’s circumstances bound up in the aftermath of her dead father?

The Ghostlands of Natalie Glasgow collects the original 2018 Natalie Glasgow novella, The Possession of Natalie Glasgow, along with six all-new interconnected stories following Margaret, Natalie, her family, and their entanglements in their haunted pasts and ghostly futures.

“[Piper’s] fiction is remarkable in its range” – Esquire

“Downright chilling.” – Rachel Harrison, USA Today Bestselling author of Cackle and Black Sheep

“Eerie and thoroughly engrossing.” – K.P. Kulski, Bram Stoker Award-nominated author of Fairest Flesh

“Truly original.” – Sara Tantlinger, Bram Stoker Award-winning author of The Devil’s Dreamland

Cranberry Cove audiobook release

Cranberry Cove is out today in audio!

Narrated by Jenn Lee (narrator of audiobooks for Queen of Teeth and Cruel Angels Past Sundown), this supernatural crime novella ventures into the abandoned hotel of Cranberry Cove to uncover its sinister secrets.

Find the audio on: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop, Libro.FM

Something unspeakable is happening at Cranberry Cove.

For decades, the chilling mystery within the derelict hotel has claimed those foolish and unwary enough to go inside.

Following the violent assault of a criminal kingpin’s adult son, enforcer Emberly Hale takes a dark journey into the haunted core of Cranberry Cove—and her own past—to find out the horrible truth.

“The best crossover episode of Law & Order: SVU and X-Files that you never knew you wanted and now cannot live without.”


“A hell of a read.”

—Cemetery Dance

“Possession No. 239 in E Major, Op. 1” and TGONG paperback cover

Previously only available as a limited edition direct from the publisher, Playlist of the Damned has now released wide! Nearly 30 stories of music-based horror from cursed albums to doomed cosmic concerts. My story “Possession No. 239 in E Major, Op. 1” follows what happens when a song won’t stay stuck in your head, but wants the rest of you as well.

Also previously only a limited edition hardcover, I’m excited to share the paperback and ebook cover for The Ghostlands of Natalie Glasgow!

Hardcovers have been landing over the last few weeks, and the wide release should spread sometime in August.

Last but not least, haunted hotel novella Cranberry Cove is coming to audio from Tantor and the incredible Jenn Lee, who also narrated Queen of Teeth and Cruel Angels Past Sundown. That releases on July 30th, so not long from now!

Release day: Song of the Tyrant Worm

The end has come.

It began in 2020 with The Worm and His Kings, continued in 2023 with Even the Worm Will Turn, and now concludes with Song of the Tyrant Worm, out today in ebook and paperback from Off Limits Press and audiobook from Tantor and available from Barnes & NobleBookshop, Amazon, Libro.FM,

Cassie Daley drew up the gorgeous cover art, depicting the Gray Maiden against eerie cosmos.

I’ve already listened to the audiobook and Allyson Voller brings the narration to a haunting close.

This has been a long journey. I could’ve never foreseen a short story I wrote and abandoned in early 2019 would become a book, and then two books, and then a trilogy. I’m ever grateful to the readers, reviewers, booksellers, and other authors who’ve taken this story of kings and gods and New York into their hearts, as well as a massively supportive publisher who’s weathered delays from me, changes of plan, and more to bring this book into the world.

Thank you all. Now to follow the Gray Maiden beneath Manhattan one last time.

New York City, 1990: The Gray Maiden has served the almighty Worm and his faithful for her entire life. Recently that has meant abducting women off the street to find the Worm’s destined Bride, but any brutality is worth his promise of a better world to come.

“Between the Mind and the Dark” in Cosmic Horror Monthly

I have a new story out today!

I’m pleased to return to the wonderful Cosmic Horror Monthly in their 47th issue with my tale “Between the Mind and the Dark,” set in the summer of 1977, when a widower’s art project becomes an otherworldly obsession.

You can check it out here!

Also the final book in The Worm and His Kings trilogy, Song of the Tyrant Worm, is up for paperback pre-order at Barnes & Noble, Bookshop, Amazon. The Worm saga’s finale releases June 8th!

These two pieces of news just might be related. You’ll have to see!

Worm pre-orders + limited edition

Two bits of The Worm and His Kings news today!

First, the final book in the trilogy, Song of the Tyrant Worm, is up for Kindle pre-order alongside audio options. The paperback will go up soon, too.

In the meantime, Thunderstorm Books will be publishing The Worm and His Kings Saga, which will contain all three books in a limited edition signed hardcover. This is a collector’s item, only available until May 19th, with unique artwork by Evangeline Gallagher, who gave their dazzling touch to the eerie blend of New York City and the cosmos.

Expected ship date is July, but again, these are only available until May 19, and then they’re gone.

From the publisher:

“Long ago, in a time now dead, one note changed our world forever.”

Manhattan 1990: Monique’s girlfriend Donna has vanished without a trace. Only after the disappearances of several other impoverished women does she hear the rumors of a gray creature rising from the underground to snatch victims off the street, and Donna might be one of them. When Monique decides to give chase, she’ll plunge into a subterranean world of monsters, monarchs, cultists, and gods both beyond her understanding and closer than she thinks.

So begins the sprawling trilogy of the almighty Worm. Join Monique, Donna, the Gray Maiden, and more in desperate searches for lost lovers, dire revelations, and shattered futures, where every step brings the discomforting touch of celestial cruelty.

Hailed as a modern cosmic horror classic, exploring queerness, worship, connection, transcendence, and fate, the original novella The Worm and His Kings has been gathered here for the first time in a single volume with its sequels, Even the Worm Will Turn and Song of the Tyrant Worm. Together, they invite you down mysterious caverns within the earth, into strange histories, and out of the world you know, where you’ll come face-to-face with a darkness that stretches from the dawn of time and across the stars.

Signed by Hailey Piper

Release day: Cranberry Cove

At last, it’s release day!

My supernatural crime novella Cranberry Cove is loose in the world from Bad Hand Books. Tremendously grateful to them, Lynne Hansen with her stunning, eerie cover art, Eric LaRocca and Booklist for their kind words pre-release, and everyone who’s pre-ordered checking it out. No Gods for Drowning was my first foray into crime fiction with its genre stew, and getting to wade deeper in with this supernatural crime novella is a treat. The doors are open.

Available in paperback and ebook from: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Bookshop

Something unspeakable is happening at Cranberry Cove.

For decades, the chilling mystery within the derelict hotel has claimed those foolish and unwary enough to go inside.

Following the violent assault of a criminal kingpin’s adult son, enforcer Emberly Hale takes a dark journey into the haunted core of Cranberry Cove—and her own past—to find out the horrible truth.

“The best crossover episode of Law & Order: SVU and X-Files that you never knew you wanted and now cannot live without.”


Cranberry Cove feels like a more thoughtful and nuanced episode of Tales from the Crypt with its harrowing examination of masculinity and gender roles inside a carnivorous hotel. Exquisitely written with Piper’s signature lush and haunting prose, this bleak and undeniably upsetting novella will provoke and excite like all excellent works of art should.”

—Eric LaRocca, author of Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke

Events, upcoming books 2024

A few quick things!

This weekend (Saturday, March 2nd) I’ll be in McCordsville, Indiana at the Scarlet Lane Brewing Company for the Scarelastic Book Fair with plenty of cool horror folk. It’s going to be a fantastic time!

Also, look what’s arrived!

These are the copies of Cranberry Cove pre-ordered directly from the publisher, Bad Hand Books. There are a couple hundred to sign, and then hopefully they’ll be getting out before the April 2nd release date. Can’t wait for the doors to open on this abandoned hotel. It’s also still up for pre-order at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Lastly, and perhaps out of the usual chronology (fitting for the Worm series), Song of the Tyrant Worm audiobook is up for pre-order. The other format pre-orders are still to come, but if audio is your jam, you can find this one on Libro.FM.