short story

“That Ye Shall Transgress” in ProleSCARYet; “The House of Shapes” in Dark Matter Magazine

Happy May Day to all! It’s a double publication day, with two new short stories appearing.

First, “That Ye Shall Transgress” unites with a thrilling TOC in ProleSCARYet: Tales of Horror and Class Warfare, in which an alternative to vacation reveals an all-consuming system we dwell in every day.

Over in Dark Matter Magazine #3, visit “The House of Shapes,” where the titular house vexes and isolates an already alienated young girl. She’ll have to get rid of it. There’s an audio version, too!

“Why We Keep Exploding” in Stitched Lips

New story out this month. Stitched Lips, edited by Ken MacGregor and published by Dragon’s Roost Press, features horror stories of silenced voices. Find my trans tale of occult and misogyny, “Why We Keep Exploding,” by checking out the book.

Recently I appeared on Books in the Freezer, a fun podcast episode where we discussed short story collections, some in depth, some just in name-dropping, because there are so many incredible ones. We also talked a little about my upcoming collection, Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy, which will be releasing May 7 from The Seventh Terrace. The ebook is up for pre-order!

Last, Cinema Crazed interviewed me for Women in Horror Month right here.

This is probably the last short story until the collection releases and then there will be an onslaught this summer, around when the hardcover of my upcoming novel Queen of Teeth will be arriving at the homes of those who pre-ordered. It’s going to be a busy year!

“Succubus Tips for Succu-Bliss” in Twisted Anatomy; Women in Horror Month Article

A few bits of news!

I have a new story out today! Sci-Fi & Scary has put together a 30-story anthology of body horror, Twisted Anatomy, for which all proceeds will go to charity. The editors did me the honor of letting my story close out the anthology with a self-help article on handling your bodily monsters in “Succubus Tips for Succu-Bliss.”

Dead Headspace was good enough to host my new article on the importance of Women in Horror Month, “February’s Pesky Psychological Entrails: Why Women, Why Horror,” and you can find that up on their site.

“Every Lady Echoes in the Mycorrhizal Hymn” in Boneyard Soup Magazine, “Cycle of the White Hart” in The Wild Hunt

I have two new stories out to wrap up January 2021! First, “Every Lady Echoes in the Mycorhizzal Hymn” appears in Boneyard Soup Magazine, Vol. 1, Issue #1, a folk horror tale of a wandering woman, a secluded town, and its rotted apple orchard with a pale secret.

In the anthology The Wild Hunt: Stories of the Chase, dreams and reality mix through nights of chasing and being chased in “Cycle of the White Hart.”

Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy – cover & details

The body of this post features a treasure trove of unfortunate elements. Feast your eyes on the cover for Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy, my upcoming and first short story collection, published by The Seventh Terrace. Cover and interior art by the amazing Janice Blaine; introduction by the wonderful Laurel Hightower.

The collection releases on May 7, 2021 and the ebook is up for pre-order on Amazon. I can’t wait to share with you.


Love twisted into horrific shapes, nightmares driven by cruel music, and a world where what little light remains fractures the sky into midnight rainbows in eighteen stories tracing the dark veins of queer horror, isolation, and the monstrous feminine.

The universe unwinds to the tune of a malicious ice cream truck jingle in “We All Scream”. “The Law of Conservation of Death” dictates that a ghost pursue his prey across her every reincarnation. Superstitions thrive even in the distant future and across the stars when a colony shuttle mounts a witch trial in “Hairy Jack”. And try to “Forgive the Adoring Beast” as it scavenges a world of dead gods for tokens of bloody affection.

Including two new short stories and a never-before-published novelette, Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy digs deep inside us and clings to the beating nightmare heart you always knew was there.

“The Bird With the Clownish Plumage” in Campfire Macabre; Worm translation

Welcome to the world of 2021! It comes with clowns in my neck of the woods. Campfire Macabre is a flash fiction anthology of monstrous proportions, boasting dozens of stories by incredible horror authors. This publication also marks a personal milestone: my woodsy tale “The Bird With the Clownish Plumage” marks my 50th published short story.

Check it out.

Also, I’m pleased to announce that my queer cosmic horror novella The Worm and His Kings will be translated into Spanish for a release in Spain by Dilatando Mentes Editorial, a wonderful publisher that has been translating works of horror in beautiful new Spanish editions. More details and cover art to come.


Best Lesfic Award; Inkheist; “In Subspace, No One Can Hear You Scream” in Mycelia, Issue IV

Today I had the fantastic honor of winning the Best Lesfic of 2020 Award for Best Horror, for my queer cosmic horror novella, The Worm and His Kings! Make horror gay AF!

Also, I had the pleasure of reappearing on the Inkheist podcast to talk about The Worm and His Kings as well as writing process, queer representation, my upcoming 2021 releases Unfortunate Elements of My Anatomy and Queen of Teeth, and whether psychic powers fit into supernatural horror or form their own subgenre of psychic horror. Give a listen!

I expect this will be the last update of a long, long year. Ending it with a bang is my erotic horror story, “In Subspace, No One Can Hear You Scream” that appears in Mycelia issue IV. At this club’s show, there’s more happening than meets the eye. Check it out.

“Brain Trust” in Planet Scumm; “The Curse of She, Part 6: The Final Girlfriend” in We Are Wolves

Happy December busy time! I’m a bit swamped, and so I’m a little late with updates, but here are a few things that have popped up of recent.

At the end of November, my horror mystery “Brain Trust” was the cover story in Planet Scumm #9. We open with a bathtub full of brains, the latest in a baffling string of situations in this steampunk city.

This past week, We Are Wolves released from Burial Day Books. Edited by the incredible Gemma Amor, Laurel Hightower, and Cina Pelayo, this charity anthology gathers women’s horror fiction and howls at the moon like nothing before. Among the many wonderful stories, you’ll find my cinema-laced tale of expectation, exploitation, and community in “The Curse of She, Part 6: The Final Girlfriend.”

Over at Nightworms, I chatted with Andrew “the Book Dad” about my new queer cosmic horror novella, The Worm and His Kings.” Check out the interview here.

And speaking of Worm, it’s now available on Barnes and Noble!

“The Inheritance Thread” in Love Letters to Poe; interviews

This week has been busy! The Worm and His Kings, my new queer cosmic horror novella, released from Off Limits Press on the 15th, and it’s now available from Bookshop if you would like to support indie bookstores.

In the short fiction realm, Gothic horror magazine Love Letters to Poe published my coming of age tale “The Inheritance Thread” in their most recent issue. It’s a story of lineage and burdens, and the long-sought voice of a mother. The magazine’s podcast, available on both the site and podcast places like Spotify, has an audio version to, narrated by my wife J. The page also includes a short interview with me about the story. Check it out here.

In the non-fiction department, I’ve had the pleasure of appearing on several venues:

Gabriel Hart invited me to LitReactor, where we talked cosmic horror and NYC.

Necronomi.Com had me on to talk in depth about one of my favorite horror movies, The Wicker Man (1973).

And most recently, I appeared on the Women in Horror Film Festival Facebook page for a video interview about The Worm and His Kings.

“The Last Noel” in Gothic Blue Book VI: A Krampus Carol

I’m supremely late in updating for this, but it’s also been a rough several days. In any case, on Halloween, Burial Day Books recently released Gothic Blue Book VI: A Krampus Carol, 31 short stories and poems of Christmas-flavored horror, one story or poem for each chilly December night.

In the middle, you’ll find my story of babysitting gone wrong in “The Last Noel.” Wear a coat; it’s cold in those woods.

I also recently had the pleasure of appearing on the Dead Headspace podcast to talk about writing process, influence, and The Worm and His Kings, my new queer cosmic horror novella releasing from Off Limits Press on November 15.

Speaking of which, that’s only six days away! And just in time, the paperback is now up for pre-order on Amazon, too.